2019 Annual Youth Holocaust / Genocide Awareness Award Winners

Left to right: Lynne Azarchi, Executive Director, Kidsbridge; Fiorella Del Orbe, 2nd place winner; Stephen Mohr, 1st place winner; Jayson Goldner, 3rd Place winner; Maud Dahme, Holocaust survivor and Lawrence Glaser, Director of N.J.’s Commission for Holocaust Education.

This year’s NINTH ANNUAL YOUTH HOLOCAUST/GENOCIDE AWARENESS AWARD COMPETITION was once again organized by Kidsbridge. The Allison Vandal Legacy Program and the NJ Commission on Holocaust Education co-sponsored the competition, and noted that many impressive youth were nominated for their efforts.

Making a difference by taking action, these New Jersey students address the subjects of the Holocaust and Genocide in very different ways. Each enlightened their fellow students about their findings. CLICK HERE to read more about: Stephen Mohr (1st place), Fiorella Del Orbe (2nd place) and Jayson Goldner (3rd place). Winners received gift cards during the June 7 monthly meeting of NJ State Holocaust Commission’s educators. New Jersey is lucky to have such caring youth being honored for their unique efforts.
