Family Walk

Iris has been taking a lot of walks with her family. “To spice things up they add a sprinkle of Kidsbridge SEL Seasoning Kidsbridge Sprinklng SEL. They like to see who can…

  • walk differently: for 20 steps each – walk backwards, then gallop sideways, then on tiptoes forward, then backwards again!
  • walk silently for 1 minute and then list all the sounds they heard describe what’s different and what’s the same between the houses or buildings they pass
  • walk with different exaggerated emotions (excited, angry, happy, sad, embarrassed)
  • pick up the most trash and put it in the family trash bag (wear gloves or use a stick)

Add some Kidsbridge Kids’ SEL Seasoning Kidsbridge Sprinklng SEL to your family walks and try one or all of these fun variations.