KIDSBRIDGE@Home – Week 11

Day 51 Monday Movement
June 8: Line Dancing

Arco recently discovered line dancing which is two or more people dancing in line(s) to music.  Mom showed Arco the steps to The Macarena line dance and gave him this help card.  He practiced and then – “Mom!” shouted Arco, “I just did The Macarena to the music without looking at your help card!” “Success!” said Mom. “Now you can do Grandma’s surprise.” “What surprise?” frowned Arco, “Watch this video of Dame Judi Dench and her grandson and you’ll remember,“ hinted Mom.

Day 52 Tuneful Tuesday
June 9: Broadway

Yesterday, when Iris complained about the rain, her mom started singing and motioning with her arms, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow – betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun!” Iris smiled and asked, “What musical is that from, Mom?” “Annie,” her mom answered. “There isn’t a song for everything, you know,” Iris giggled. Her mom laughed, “But wouldn’t it be fun if there were?  I wish life was a musical, sometimes.”

Day 53 Creative Wednesday
June 10: Leave your Mark

Ruby and her mother had just been talking about people leaving their mark in public places. The anonymous “street artist” named Banksy became famous for doing “street art” without permission. Banksy recently donated artwork to a hospital in Britain to honor healthcare workers. See how people at the hospital felt about his gift in this video. After you watch the video, join Ruby and her mother here.

Day 54 Discovery Thursday
June 11: Yarn Bombing

Lalo, I found this yarn in my closet. Would you like to make something with it?” asked his dad. “No. Yarn is for old ladies,” Lalo laughed. “I was just reading on the internet about a 104 year old woman “yarn bomber,” his dad shared. “Yarn bomber? What????” said Lalo. If you are wondering what yarn bombing could be, follow Bridget to learn more.

Day 55 Outdoor Friday
June 12: Outside Animal Watching

Anita looked out the window. A peppy gray squirrel was scampering about the yard. Anita raised the window, “Hello neighbor, you certainly are busy. Are you planning to take home that nut you’re holding?” she asked. Squirrel dashed off. Anita laughed. Then she sighed. “I don’t even know where Squirrel’s home is,” she said. “Guess I’ll look for it when we go outside later.”